Express & Star

New 120-home estate backed for Stafford

A total of 120 new homes are set to be given the green light when plans go before Stafford Borough Council next week.


St Philips has applied to build the development on land between Beaconside and Sandon Road in Hopton, and council officers have recommended the finer details are approved, subject to certain conditions, when it goes before a committee on Wednesday.

An outline application for the homes was approved in November 2017, now the details in a reserved matters application are set to be approved.

There are a total of 36 affordable houses proposed, 25 social rented properties and 11 shared ownership.

In papers going to the committee it says: "The dwellings proposed across the site comprise a mixture of detached, semi-detached, terraced properties and flats.

"The dwellings are predominantly two storey in height, with some 2.5 storey properties dotted through the site to create visual interest. "

Access to the site will be from Sandon Road, and a new roundabout at the junction of Sandon Road with Beaconside was agreed with the outline application.

Hopton and Coton Parish Council objected to the plans on the ground of the positioning of social housing, impact on the surrounding area, access, and road safety.

In the objection it says: "As the application stands the social housing will be exposed to the highest level of both general pollution and noise pollution. This is in contrast with the privately- owned houses which will enjoy a more favourable position.

"There have been four more accidents since this application, with its access, was approved 18 months ago. If an accident happens, it blocks the whole of the road."

Eight letters of objection were also sent to Stafford Borough Council.

The papers conclude: "The principle of residential development on this site has been established in the granting of the outline permission, which included the access arrangement. All significant issues relating to design and spacing between dwellings are considered to have been adequately addressed.

"The proposed landscaping and areas of open space are considered to be acceptable. No objections are raised by the Highway Authority."