Major housing estate planned to transform ex-Staffordshire Police HQ
The site of the former Staffordshire Police headquarters is set to be transformed into a housing estate – despite concerns over traffic in the area.

Plans for 141 homes at the Baswich Park site in Stafford have been recommended for approval by council officers at Stafford Borough Council.
A decision will be made on the 16-acre site, which was sold to Bellway Homes for £15 million, by councillors at next week's planning committee meeting.
But with uncertainty surrounding another development for 200 homes on land next to Acton Hill road – less than a mile away – fears over traffic chaos and the pressure on health services in the area have been raised.
Councillor Ray Barron said: "These plans will increase traffic problems in the area and also put pressure on local services such as healthcare.
"I can't really object to building there as it is a brownfield site.
"I want the best deal for the residents of Weeping Cross and Wildwood Ward. I want to get as much as we can from the estate.
"I want what's best for the present residents and future residents. It is quite a controversial plan affecting this end of town.
"I'm not going to ask the committee to refuse it but what I'm asking for is to make improvements."
The planning committee, which will meet on March 28, has been recommended to approve the application subject to various conditions – one of which states that the developer must enter a Section 106 obligation within one month of the decision.
Alternatively, a period to secure affordable housing provision together with financial contributions towards the Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Travel Plan monitoring, A34 transport corridor study, open space and sport provision and education provision.
Under the plans, there would be 39 four bedroom, 33 five bedroom, 38 three bedroom, 23 two bedroom and eight one bed social rented homes.
The one bedroom social housing units would be provided in two blocks of four apartments
The two principal access roads are proposed off Cannock Road and Weeping Cross.
Meanwhile, the nearby plans for Acton Hill, could see Gladman Land build up to 155 houses and up to 55 care apartments on countryside next to the A34 Cannock Road, near the Wildwood estate.
Proposals were originally rejected but now the developer has submitted an appeal in hope of pushing the application through.