Express & Star

Pub gets weekend recorded music extension despite objections over 'intolerable' noises

A pub can now play recorded music until midnight, but only at weekends.


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The Crown at Wood Road, Codsall is already able to stage live music until midnight seven days a week, as well as playing recorded music until 11pm.

But Joule’s Brewery’s bid to extend recorded music at the premises for an extra hour a day met with 14 objections from nearby residents, as well as ward councillors Megan Barrow and Val Chapman.

Councillor Chapman said: “The disturbance will interfere significantly with nearby residents' right to enjoy their homes.”

Councillor Barrow said: “I am receiving complaints from people who live across the road on Bakers Gardens and Malpass Way who have to put up with very loud music and very loud people who are around after 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

"It is not appropriate to increase it longer or for extra time.”

A nearby resident said: “Although the Crown are free to play music up to 11pm, we are concerned at the levels of sound they play it at and the nuisance they are already creating.

"We are concerned that a licence extension will extend the noise nuisance and intensify it by intruding into the time when people can be expected to be asleep.

“We live about 100 metres away from the Crown’s new outdoor stage and although there are intervening buildings and trees, the sound on Friday and Saturday nights has been so loud that it can be clearly heard in our double glazed house and if windows are open, which they often are in summer, the sound is loud enough to be heard over the television.”

The Crown can now play recorded music until midnight, but only at weekends. Photo: Google Street Map

Another objector said: “At present, the noise levels emanating from the Crown are intolerable on Friday and Saturday nights.

"We are forced to close our windows but still suffer from the booming and vibration of bass speakers.

“At closing times, groups of drunken revellers spill onto the village streets shouting, swearing, and using the most disgusting language.

"Loud arguments and drunken fights are frequent in front of our residence; this never occurred until the Crown re-opened.”

The premises licence variation was considered by South Staffordshire Council’s licensing sub-committee at a hearing on Wednesday, September 25.

The panel decided to allow the variation in part.

The pub will now be allowed to play recorded music indoors until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights only.

After 11pm, while recorded music is being played inside, all doors and windows must remain closed except when people are entering or leaving the pub.

Speaking after the hearing a spokesperson for Joule’s Brewery said: “We’re pleased to confirm that our licence application to extend indoor music hours was approved, aligning them with our regular weekend opening times.

"Throughout the process, we’ve listened carefully to feedback from our local community, and in response, we’re introducing quarterly residents’ meetings at the Crown, Codsall.

“These gatherings will provide an open forum where residents can enjoy coffee and cake on us while sharing any questions, concerns, or compliments.

"We value the opportunity to maintain an ongoing dialogue and strengthen our relationship with the community.”