Plans for 50 houses and private GP practice in village are submitted
A major planning application for 50 homes, a new private GP practice and public open space has been submitted.

RCA Regeneration on behalf of CCB Investment submitted the application for the new development on Westbeech Road, Pattingham, to South Staffordshire Council.
In a design statement, RCA Regeneration said: "The outline application is for the proposed development of up to 50 detached dwellings (100 per cent affordable including First Homes), new medical centre, public open space, and associated infrastructure on land at Westbeech Road, Pattingham.
"The site owners have an agreement in principle with a local GP to deliver a new medical centre on this site. The site offers a central location for the new medical centre, which will be accessible by many existing residents of the village and wider rural hinterland. In addition, and due to the proximity of the bus stop, staff working in the medical practise will not be dependent on the car to reach their place of work."
The statement added: "The site is located to the east of Westbeech Road in Pattingham, Staffordshire. The parcel of land extends to approximately 4.39ha and is bound to the north and east by open agricultural fields, to the south allotments and to the west by existing residential development along Westbeech Road and College Farm Close."
The new GP practice will be private, but according to the planning application will take NHS patients.
The statement said: "Whilst the surgery would be a private practice, it would be open to NHS patients and would significantly enhance and improve the current medical services available for residents of Pattingham and the surrounding area. The applicant will seek to deliver the medical centre in conjunction with the housing provision at the site."
The planning application was only submitted last week but there has already been public objections.
Debra Thomas said: "I am vehemently opposed to this planning application. The area is a green belt designated nature reserve. There is no requirement for a doctor's surgery, the last one was moved to Albrighton due to lack of use."
Stuart Costigan added: "I believe that approving such development on this pristine greenfield site would have massive detrimental effects on the local environment and wildlife. The proposed construction would lead to the absolute destruction of such a valuable ecosystem, disrupting the natural balance of flora and fauna in our community."