Express & Star

Social Eats food and music festival at risk after organiser misses licensing meeting

A food and music festival is at risk of been pulled after its organiser failed to attend to a crucial licensing meeting.

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South Staffordshire Council

Darren McClure applied to South Staffordshire Council for permission to hold the Social Eats festival at Kewford Eagles Football Club, in Swindon Road, Kinver, on July 8.

The licensing committee was due to decide whether the show could go ahead after the organiser missed a number of important deadlines relating to the event.

In his absence, the committee on Monday heard from council officers who explained Mr McClure had neglected to submit documents relating to event management and risk assessments.

They told the members he recently attended a meeting with council staff as well as police and fire service representatives and that these meetings had helped ease concerns, but he had still not submitted documentation to explain how festival visitors would be kept safe.

The members decided to give him one last chance and agreed to postpone the meeting until next week.

They said if Mr McClure fails to turn up to the next meeting he could face having to refund festival-goers who are still able to buy tickets online priced at £8 for adults and £4 for children.

Councillors believe thousands of people may have already bought tickets and if the event cannot go-ahead it will leave a large number of families disappointed.

Councillor Penny Allen said: “We are aware this person appears to be not very well organised.”

She asked: “Do you get the feeling this gentleman is aware of the conditions or is he basically paying lip service?”

The council officers replied that Mr McClure previously arranged a number of similar events in other areas and therefore must be aware of the necessary licences and documents that have to be submitted.

The event website for Social Eats states: “Founded in 2021, we specialise in providing events to remember featuring award winning street food, cracking drinks and cocktails alongside live entertainment.”

Mr McClure's application states: “We have conducted a suitable fire risk assessment at the premises and implemented necessary control measures. Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency are prominently displayed and maintained in good condition.

"Access is provided for emergency vehicles and kept clear and free from obstruction at all times. First aid provision on site. First aiders are trained to deal with drug and alcohol related problems.”

“A continuous and accurate record is maintained of the number of patrons within the premises. Searching as a condition of entry will be considered at all times. This is a ticketed event.”

Mr McClure and Kewford Eagles Football Club were approached for comment.