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Staffordshire council sets out climate change strategy

A council has set out its plans to tackle climate change in the coming years.

Last updated
South Staffordshire Council

South Staffordshire Council was one of many councils across the country that declared a climate emergency in 2019.

But unlike neighbouring authorities in Stafford Borough and Cannock Chase District it did not set a target year for becoming carbon neutral. Stafford Borough Council is working towards carbon neutrality by 2040, while Cannock Chase has set an even sooner date of 2030.

At a full South Staffordshire Council meeting, members agreed to a new climate change strategy. A Challenge Panel was set up in September 2019 to support the creation of the strategy but the process was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Councillor Len Bates, cabinet member for community services, told Tuesday’s meeting: “This strategy sets out our commitment to take action on climate change. We expect to contribute by continuing to reduce carbon emissions. Our local contribution is part of a wider challenge that involves managing our budgets and available resources, as well as influencing and working with partners as part of a national and global agenda.

“Significant progress has been made so far in improving efficiency of our own operations and reducing associated emissions from them. However there is more to achieve.”


Climate change will be recognised as a priority in the council Corporate Plan for 2020-24 and progress on its action plan will be reported annually.

The council is also aiming to raise awareness and encourage communities and businesses to reduce their own impact on the environment, such as through adopting energy efficiency measures and recycling.

Renewable energy and sustainable design will be encouraged as part of the council’s planning process, as well as the development of climate resistant buildings. When new development is considered in areas believed to have “nature conservation value”, steps will be taken to protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats.

The strategy stated: “Carbon emissions from activities in South Staffordshire have reduced by 24 per cent since 2010, equating to a saving of 410 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

“Contributions to achieving the reduction has been through the ongoing introduction of energy measures in council offices – for example, solar panels and battery storage and lighting upgrades – and leisure centres – for example, pool covers and voltage optimisation. We want to see a further reduction in carbon emissions and there is a role for all of us to play.“

Green Party member Councillor Ian Sadler said: “I would like to pay tribute to the work that has gone into this. I can see a great deal of effort has gone into the policy.

“I think we still need to be looking at targets and dated targets, particularly in view of changes that have recently happened such as the advancing of the date when petrol and diesel vehicles will be phased out. We need to think more about how we provide and facilitate electrical vehicle charging.

“I am happy to see what we have done and I’m happy to vote in favour of it. But I think we need to keep our eyes open and we will need to do much, much more.”