Express & Star

Everything Shakespeare to be celebrated at open day in Penkridge

Nobody will be Bard when the first ever Staffordshire Shakespeare Day takes place in Penkridge at the weekend.


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The Staffordshire Shakespeare Society is holding the first event since forming in June 2014 with the aim of promoting the work of one of England's most famous playwrights. The day will mark their tenth anniversary.

The group meets on the second Tuesday of every month and their programme includes readings of his plays, theatre visits, socials, quizzes and an annual meal on Shakespeare's birthday on April 23 – the society also raises funds for county based charities including this year for the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.

Staffordshire Shakespeare Day, at St Michel's Church Hall will run from noon to 8.30pm and include the county based 'Hour Shakespeare' performing 'A Shakespeare Selection' at 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.

Members of the society will perform 'Soliloquies, Sonnets and Scenes', there will be performances and readings and a raffle and tombola held with Shakespeare related prizes.

Members of the Staffordshire Shakespeare Society will hold an open day on Saturday with everyone welcome

Robert Mottram-Jones from the Staffordshire Shakespeare Society said: " Our membership is very diverse whist some are non-acting and prefer to study and go to the plays others are interested in performing as well but the programme caters for all and visitors to the Shakespeare day will be able to find out about us at the event which we are all looking forward.

"We are celebrating our tenth anniversary and just this year members have attended some wonderful productions including Twelfth Night at the Gatehouse in Stafford, Merry Wives of Windsor, As You Like It and ‘Pericles’ at Stratford-Upon-Avon and The Two Gentlemen of Verona at the Oxford Playhouse.

"We have studied plays and enjoyed talks on Shakespeare related topics as well as the annual meal so we thought we would mark the anniversary by holding the first Staffordshire Shakespeare Day where everyone is welcome to find out more about him and the society."

Entry to the Staffordshire Shakespeare Day is free and takes place at Saint Michael and All Angels Church Hall, Penkridge from noon on Saturday.

For further details on the day and the society call Robert Mottram Jones at

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