Express & Star

New leisure centre proposal attracts objections on noise grounds

Proposals for a new leisure centre and 3G pitch have been recommended for approval by planning officers despite objections from residents.

Computerised image of how the new Leisure centre will look

The new facility is proposed for Stychbrook Park, Curborough Road and is set to provide a 25m, six-lane pool, changing facilities, a cafe, a community room, a fitness gym, spin and dance studios, a children’s play area and 3G playing pitch. As part of the development the unused changing block will be demolished.

In a report planning officers state: “The proposed development and its intended use are not considered to result in undue harm on neighbouring amenities, and a number of conditions are recommended to protect the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers.

"There are no technical objections which cannot be overcome through the use of appropriately worded conditions.

“The scheme includes off-site upgrades to existing paths and bus stops on the Curborough Road, cycle parking provision and various pedestrian entrance points to enhance sustainable travel options.”

There are also plans for a 136-space car park, cycle storage and a new pedestrian link off Curborough Road.

During the consultation no statutory authorities objected to the scheme.

However, nine residents objected to Lichfield District Council on grounds that there would be an “unacceptable impact on existing residential amenity of residents in terms of outlook, noise and disturbance” and that the 3G pitch would result in noise.

Just one member of the public gave support to the scheme stating it would encourage health and wellbeing.

Planning officers have recommended that councillors approve the application. In their report to members, officers state that the scheme is “considered appropriate and acceptable”.

The planning committee will discuss the scheme on January 15 at 6pm at the council offices.