More than 100 blades collected in knife bin outside supermarket
More than 100 blades have been deposited in a knife bin outside a branch of Morrisons in Lichfield.

The knife bin at the Morrisons store in Lichfield’s Beacon Street was permanently secured in the car park in July along with three others in the district.
Since it was installed, a variety of knives have been relinquished and stored securely within the specially designed bin.
A recent check by Police for Lichfield District Community Safety Partnership found there was 110 in number which will now be melted down and recycled.
The three other knife bins installed as part of the initiative are at Tesco Extra in Church Street, Lichfield; Morrisons in Burntwood; and Burntwood Leisure Centre.
Funded by the Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime Ben Adams through the Locality Deal Fund, the bins are part of a package of work, which included the visit of the Knife Angel to Lichfield in July, aimed at deterring young people from carrying knives and alerting them to the dangers and consequences.
Lichfield District Council’s principal community safety officer, Yvonne James, said of the number of collected blades: “This is a great result for the district. It is showing that the Staffordshire Police ‘Ditch the Blade’ campaign and the Knife Angel being here has made an impact.
“Knife crime has harrowing consequences; senseless loss of life and families left with the tremendous pain of their loss.
“Although knife crime is low in Lichfield District, we can’t be complacent. It is vital we raise awareness of this issue and continue to provide the means for people to dispose safely of knives.
“Because of the bin at Lichfield Morrisons there are now 110 knives that are no longer in circulation and cannot be used in crime.
“I want to say thank you to all those who have used the bin or any of our Knife Bins in the district, whether you have taken some old knives from your kitchen, or you have decided to dispose of a blade you are carrying, you have helped reduce risk.”
Lichfield’s Local Policing Team Deputy Commander Inspector Karen Green said: “Our knife bins are available to the public 24/7 to deposit knives and other weapons safely and they are very successful in removing thousands of knives from our streets, homes and communities every year. There is more to do to reduce the number of tragedies involving knife injuries which unfold every year.
“We work as a partnership to divert people away from involvement in knife crime, gangs and violence in general and towards other activities, such as sports and volunteering.
“If you have information about someone who carries a knife, then you can tell us by reporting it online or by ringing 101. “If you want to report anonymously, please do so via”