Express & Star

Planning application submitted to extend listed Lichfield hotel

A Grade II Listed hotel in Lichfield is applying to add extra bedrooms and improve facilities.

Last updated
The George Hotel, Lichfield

The George Hotel, in Bird Street, dates back to the late 18th century and is in a conservation area,.

A public notice published by Lichfield District Council has revealed the owners' plans.

The public notice said: "Works to a listed building to enable the change of use of upper floors and two storey extension to create additional hotel facilities at 21-14 Bird Street, Lichfield."

A supporting statement submitted as part of the application by owners The Webb Group said: “The applications seek to convert part of the ground floor space at 3 Market Street into a gymnasium whilst creating additional hotel bedroom accommodation on the upper floors.

"A new build link and bedroom accommodation extension would be built between The George Hotel and the upper floors of Market Street."

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