Express & Star

Extra bedrooms and new gym on the cards for city centre hotel

Extra bedrooms and a new gym are on the cards for a Lichfield city centre hotel.

The George Hotel. Photo: Google

The Webb Hotel Group is seeking planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the additions to The George Hotel in Bird Street.

The Grade II Listed building dates back to the late 18th century.

The proposed new bedroom extension would be built on top of a modern flat roof extension at the rear of 3 Market Street if the plans are approved by Lichfield District Council.

A supporting statement submitted as part of the application said: “The applications seek to convert part of the ground floor space at 3 Market Street into a gymnasium whilst creating additional hotel bedroom accommodation on the upper floors. A new build link and bedroom accommodation extension would be built between The George Hotel and the upper floors of Market Street.

“The applicant and owner of The George Hotel seeks permission for these works to further improve the hotel and meet the ever-growing demand. The newly created rooms are intended to be used as premium accommodation and the gymnasium will create an amenity for both the hotel and the public

“The upper floors of 3 Market Street have already been granted planning and Listed Building consent for their conversion to residential use. The extensions have been designed to respect the existing heritage assets character and be sympathetic to their appearance and fabric.”

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