Express & Star

Visuals of new leisure centre released for public viewing

An initial visual showing a proposed design for a Staffordshire leisure centre has been released.

The draft visual of the new Stychbrook Park leisure centre

The draft graphic for Stychbrook Park has been released by Lichfield District Council and shows a timber-clad, low-level building that has been designed using buff brick for the key sawtooth elements with timber cladding used elsewhere to create a softer aesthetic in keeping with the landscape.

Further visuals will now be shared with the Member Task Group who have been supporting the project over the last three years.

The visuals will then be shared with residents and community groups to get their feedback ahead of detailed design development that will take place with our contracted design team over the coming months with the building work due to start on site by the end of 2023.

The council is currently at the tender stage to procure the design services.

Leader of Lichfield District Council, Doug Pullen said “I am thrilled to see the draft visuals for the new leisure centre at Stychbrook Park as this project continues.

"After months of uncertainty and challenges with funding, work is now progressing to deliver this much needed facility to support the long-term health of residents in the area.

“I am very keen that residents can give their opinion about the proposed designs and Lichfield District Council will be holding events for residents over the rest of the year so that progress can be shared, and comments will be invited for the duration of the build.

“When designing this initial visual the architects have listened to the requirements for an attractive building that is appropriate for the location and gives the community a leisure destination of which they can be proud.”

Details of the drop-in events for residents will be announced soon and the team from the council will be in touch directly with residents who live close to the site to invite them to meetings to discuss the development in more detail.