Lichfield group donates cash to canal restoration charity
Th Lichfield branch of the University of the Third Age is donating £680 to the Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust.

The U3A celebrates its 40 anniversary in 2022 and is marking the occasion by donating £1 for each of its 680 members to the city's canal trust's tree fund.
Judith Thorpe, chair of Lichfield U3A, said: “We were looking for a lasting way to celebrate the u3a's 40th birthday and so when we heard that the Canal Trust was hoping to plant trees along the Lichfield spur of the canal, we offered to help.
"We have 680 local members, and when we asked them if they agreed to us contributing to the Canal Trust's Tree fund they agreed – so we seized the opportunity to plant now."
She added :“By the time the official birthday comes around the trees should be well established and everyone's experience of walking along the canal paths should be even better.”
Peter Buck, LHCRT engineering director, said: “We are very grateful for Lichfield u3a's generous donation. As well as the extensive restoration of the Heritage Towpath Trail and canal across Lichfield, this generous donation of trees by u3a is the first key restoration activity on a new section of the Lichfield Canal along Falkland Road."
He added: "“This not only helps to secure the roadside boundary but also meets the Trust's objectives to provide a green corridor, an environmental enhancement to wildlife and biodiversity and an amenity for the people of Lichfield to enjoy for many years to come."