Lichfield District Council reshuffle to aid virus recovery
Lichfield District Council has announced changes to the current cabinet structure to better align with the new strategic priorities and recovery plans.

Councillor Iain Eadie will remain as the authority's deputy leader and will take up a more focused portfolio as cabinet member for visitor economy and the local plan.
A new cabinet role has been introduced with Councillor Liz Little taking on the role of cabinet member for major projects and economic development. She will also retain lead role on Friary Grange Leisure Centre.
Councillor Ashley Yeates becomes cabinet member for community engagement and Councillor Richard Cox joins the cabinet with responsibility for leisure, parks and waste.
Councillor Rob Strachan takes on additional areas as cabinet member for finance, procurement, customer services, revenues and benefits, while Councillor Angela Lax takes on housing as cabinet member for regulatory, housing and health. Councillor Andy Smith becomes cabinet member for innovation, commercialisation and corporate services.
Councillor Doug Pullen, leader of Lichfield District Council, said: "It has been a challenging first year for cabinet with many high profile issues to deal with.
“We have an ambitious work programme in the next 12 months and need more ‘hands on deck’. The revised portfolios are designed to help members balance their responsibilities more effectively and provide support to each other where these overlap.
“By working together we can face the next few months with confidence and a greater capacity to serve the district as a whole, through better decision making and a clear focus on community engagement and key projects.”