Express & Star

Taxi fares in Lichfield to rise for first time in years

Taxi fares in Lichfield are set to rise for the first time in seven years.

Taxi fares could rise

Lichfield District Council is proposing the changes to the Hackney carriage drivers it licenses following calls from local companies to increase fares and bring them more in line with neighbouring authorities.

Plans include bumping up the cost of the first mile by 20p, and also introducing a waiting charge of £15 an hour.

The amount local taxi firms can charge has not gone up since 2012, and Lichfield District is among the lowest charging authorities.

The proposals, if approved, would see an increase in normal fees from £3.60 to £3.80 for the first mile, with each subsequent 161 metres travelled going from 17p to 20p.

They also include increasing out of hours fees from £4.80 to £4.90 for the first mile, with each subsequent 161 metres travelled going from 23p to 26p.

Out of hours goes from midnight to 6.59am on any day, plus between 6pm and 11.59pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and on any public bank holiday.

The council is also suggesting implementing a waiting charge at £15 an hour, with subsequent charges applied after that time. Currently Hackney cabs do not charge when waiting.

The charge would start after the taxi has been stationary for 10 minutes, and then it would be applied for each subsequent 10 minute interval up to a maximum of £15 for the full hour. The charge will continue to rise after the hour waiting time.

This means that fares also will include any waiting time within a journey, such as when a vehicle is stationary in heavy traffic.

The soiling charge will also rise from £50 to £60, reflecting the increase in cleaning costs and the lost trade while the car is off the road.

Gareth Davies, head of regulatory services, housing and wellbeing, said: “We are inviting taxi drivers and local people to give us their views on our proposed increases to our Hackney carriage fares.

“Our aim in setting the new fares has been to keep taxi fares affordable for local people and to make sure there is an adequate supply of taxis at all times, while understanding that drivers have rising costs and need to make a living.”

Anyone wishing to make comments can email from November 29 to December 12.