Alcohol licence granted for park eaterie just metres from play area
Diners visiting a Lichfield park eatery will soon be able to enjoy a beer or wine with their meal – despite concerns the venue is just metres from a children’s play area.

Lakeside Bistro in Beacon Park was granted a premises licence by Lichfield District Council at a hearing on Monday.
The hearing was called after two objections were received to the application, which sought permission to serve alcohol between 11am and 6pm seven days a week.
One objector said: “I do not think it is a good idea for adults to be under the influence of alcohol around children and I strongly believe it will encourage the wrong type of clientèle, leading to all sorts of trouble.”
The other said: “The cafe is very close to the very well used children’s play area and to the football area across the lake. I have lived close to this area for many years and would not like children to be exposed to behaviour of some drinkers I have seen in the past.”
But Nigel Poole of Chandlers Grand Brasserie Ltd, who applied for the premises licence, told Monday’s hearing that booze was already being brought into the park.
He said: “One of the problems we have is a lot of people use the park and bring their own alcohol. We do not allow any consumption on the premises but it is consumed close to the premises, which is not something we can do an awful lot about.
“I’m aware we do get a bit of vandalism and we do get homeless people sleeping in the bin store but we don’t get a lot of problems in Beacon Park.
“Our objective is to sell alcohol in a limited way as a supplementary service to customers using the bistro for food. We don’t intend to sell any draught items or spirits.
“It is close to the play area and the play area is self-contained. I think a lot of parents with young children wouldn’t buy alcohol – it’s more dog walkers and people not accompanied by children who might request a beer or glass of wine.
“We would serve alcohol in plastic or disposable glasses and cups. We certainly wouldn’t be using glass in an area where there are children because of breakages.”
Mr Poole added that wine would be served by the glass – not by the bottle – and the price would be above what a heavy drinker would want to pay.
When asked about measures to prevent crime and disorder he said the venue already had an excellent relationship with park rangers – and if issues arose police would be called.
The panel took just a few minutes to consider its decision to grant the premises licence. It will include a number of conditions, including no alcohol to be sold in a sealed container. Staff must also operate a “Challenge 25” scheme, requiring anyone who looks like they may be aged under 25 to show valid identification.
Councillor David Salter, who chaired the hearing, said: “I’m glad to hear from someone who has experience of the situation and how to deal with things.”