Crafted poppies for fallen heroes
An appeal has been launched for hand-crafted poppies to create a trail from a town centre to a war memorial.

With Government guidelines on social distancing and guidance from the Royal British Legion meaning that annual Remembrance Day parades are unlikely to go ahead, volunteers across Hednesford have jumped into action to ensure heroes are remembered.
Community group Friends of Hednesford, which is chaired by Hednesford Town Councillor Sharon Jagger, has launched an appeal for hand-crafted poppies and has set to work creating decorative displays.
With thousands of knitted poppies already donated, Hednesford Town Council and Friends of Hednesford intend to create a sea of poppies from the town centre to Hednesford War Memorial.
Councillor Jagger, who recently stepped in to become the town’s official poppy appeal organiser after the previous volunteer stepped down, said: “
The response we’ve received so far from those volunteering their time to knit poppies and create decorations has been incredible. We still need many more to ensure we can create a display fit for our fallen heroes and are encouraging as many people as possible to get involved.”
Call Councillor Jagger on 07765 556 660.