Huge eagle statue in need of a landing spot after initial sites rejected
Parish councillors in Staffordshire have called on people to help them find a landing spot for a massive eagle statue.

Members of Eccleshall Parish Council made the plea after they were unable to find a suitable site for the artwork.
The plans were backed to Stafford Borough Council in 2018 for it to be situated near a new housing estate.
Now – after two sites were deemed unsuitable – residents have been called on to help find the four-metre high artwork a permanent home.
Parish council chairman Peter Jones said: “Letters and emails of support have been received from residents and the Ecclian Society. Grants towards the cost of the statue were received from Bovis and county councillor Jeremy Pert, who helped with the early negotiations.
"Initially the eagle statue was to have been placed on the Bovis island on Stafford Road. The highways department of the county council originally agreed but later found that it would go against road safety survey.
"Alternative sites were looked at and another on the Sancerre Grange was considered. After much delay permission was refused.
"The parish council has now appointed Councillor Gordon Dale as the point man to locate a suitable site and make recommendations to the council."
But residents, who objected to the latest planning application to find a site for the eagle, raised concerns over it being a distraction to drivers.
A Green Lane resident said: "It serves no purpose to be situated alongside a bus shelter and immediately in front of the modern houses, let alone being a distraction to drivers.
"It was commissioned to be central in a roundabout – siting it at the side of the road will just look like there was nowhere better for it. In my opinion it should not be sited at the roadside."
Residents are invited to send suggestions for the site to Councillor Dale at or in writing to 74 High Street, Eccleshall, ST21 6BZ.