Express & Star

Overturned trailer leaves large mound of manure on roadside near busy roundabout

There were traffic delays and a pungent smell in the air after a trailer carrying manure overturned on a busy roundabout.

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The overturned trailer

The trailer, which was carrying a large amount of manure, overturned as it was being pulled around Longford Avenue near Cannock onto the A5 towards the M6 Junction 12 around the middle of the afternoon.

Tractors work to right the trailer and contain the remaining manure

A huge mound was left piled on the side of the road next to the DFS superstore on the roundabout, with the trailer seen on its side with wheels sticking out into the road.

The entrance to the road was closed off while lorries were parked up next to the pile of manure and tractors brought in to pick up and dispose of the smelly cargo.

The mound of manure was large and spread across the side of the road

Highways England has been contacted for a comment.