Fourth volume of six-part book series chronicling history of Bridgtown released
The fourth volume of a six-part series of books chronicling the history of Bridgtown has been released.

Titled 'Brag and All That' the book centres on the Bridgtown Residents Action Group (BRAG), formed in 1976 to fight Cannock Chase District Council's plan to turn Bridgtown into an industrial hub.
BRAG put forward counter proposals which gave compromise to the plans giving a cohesive way forward for both factions but not before considerable animosity on both sides.
John Devey, chairman of Bridgtown History Society said: "We are Bridgtown History Society and have been going since 2009.
"We were created to keep the history of the area going and record it for future generations.
"This is a series of books we have been writing, the latest one primarily covering BRAG.
"BRAG fought the council over its intentions to industrialise Bridgtown.
"They had a plan in 1976 in which they said they would demolish blocks and clear them for industry.
"The residents didn't like the idea and formed the action group.
"It took 12 years in the end, they had ups and downs, but at the end of the day in 1988 they were finally granted power to parish Bridgtown.
"Once they did that, it meant they were on a more level playing filed with Cannock itself.
"The turning point came in 1989 when a piece of land earmarked for industry was turned into dwelling houses."
The book was launched on May 28 at the Bethel Chapel in Union Street, Bridgtown.
There have been eight books already published and copies are available by contacting 01922 412008.
And if anybody would like to become members Bridgtown History Society, they can contact 01922 414863 to enjoy meeting up with like minded people to explore the history of Bridgtown.