Forest Live judged a roaring success by organisers
Cannock Chase Forest rocked as people came to enjoy live music at a series of concerts judged a success by organisers.

More than 25,000 people travelled to Cannock Chase Forest to see Forest Live, four nights of top quality music in the natural amphitheatre setting in Birches Valley, the first time the shows had been able to take place since 2019 due to Covid restrictions.

Texas, Sam Ryder, Rag'n'Bone Man, Keane and Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds all put on big shows, with people coming from across Staffordshire and further afield to put up a deckchair and watch the show amid the backdrop of trees and mountain bike trails.
The event was organised by Forestry England, with Rob Lamb, event manager for Forestry England Central District, saying he felt the event had been a real success.

He said: "We want to ensure we give our customers a great night out and I certainly think we have done so from the feedback we have received.
"The four nights of gigs in such a special location have gone down well, not only with a loyal base of fans who come each year, but by booking different artists we have attracted new audiences.
"Our hope is that they will then come back on another occasion to experience other activities in the forest such as mountain biking, walking or just relaxing in nature."

While there were times when rain fell during shows, Mr Lamb said people had not complained as they knew as they could go home to a hot bath, rather than a wet tent and said he had also had good feedback from the acts who played.
He said: "Collectively, the feedback from all artists is that it’s a pleasure to be playing in such beautiful and unique locations and a pleasant change to the usual concert arenas.

"The whole team here were thrilled to bits to see the gigs back in the forest and a lot of hard work goes into planning the concerts the whole year round.
"It has been a long time coming, so there is a real sense of joy when you actually see the acts walk out on the stage and start playing their songs.

"We want to thank the people who came as they are supporting the nation’s forests when buying a ticket and we hope we will be welcoming them back in 2023."