Cannock Chase 10-year economic strategy approved
A 10-year strategy setting out how Cannock Chase will be developed has been approved.

Cannock Chase Council’s cabinet has approved the proposed Economic Prosperity Strategy (EPS) for the district.
The 10-year strategy sets out the council’s vision and ambition to develop the district to be a better place to live, work, invest and visit.
Its purpose is to set out the direction of travel for the economy in the district, identify how the district can support industrial and town centre strategies and provide a clear focus for council investment in economic development projects as well as bidding for external funding and to have influence on the plans of partners and key stakeholders.
To support the delivery of the vision, five themes have been identified within the strategy aligned with a set of ambitions which reflect where the district aims to be by 2030.
These include destination Cannock Chase, a more productive economy, boosting resident skills, enterprising Cannock Chase and town centres driving change.
The council is currently working to deliver a number of projects.
These include: establishing a £6m District Investment Fund and £12m Housing Investment Fund, implementation of the Section 106 obligations listed in the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet West Midlands planning agreement, including improvements to Cannock Town Centre and a Retail Skills Academy, the regeneration of the Rugeley Power Station site, at 139 hectares, the largest brownfield site in the West Midlands, delivery of a Skills and Innovation Hub in Cannock Town Centre, focused on higher level apprenticeship opportunities and also incorporating an Engineering Skills Academy and preparation of a development prospectus for Cannock Town Centre.
Councillor Tony Johnson, portfolio leader for economic development and planning, said: “I welcome this document that sets out the direction of travel for the district for the next 10 years. This strategy builds on existing activities and also identifies immediate and short term opportunities.
"Major investments in the district such as McArthurGlen Designer Outlet and Rugeley Power Station are also identified.
"Cannock Chase already has a very active economy and our employment levels are lower than the national average. This strategy will also help the council achieve their commitment to carbon neutrality in this district by 2030.”