Express & Star

New exhibition at Museum of Cannock Chase

A new exhibition is being held at The Museum of Cannock Chase.

Visitor assistant Joanna Pembleton with some of the work

Oddfellows Arts 'Eclectica' exhibition began on January 13 and will run until February 28.

Rachel Gentle, visitor services officer at the museum, said: "Oddfellows Arts is nine artists from the West Midlands who work in a range of media, textiles, printing, ceramics.

"They have unique ways of interpreting what they think and how they feel.

"It's the first time we've had an exhibition from them.

"It's in the temporary exhibition gallery.

"They're the first exhibition of the New Year, we have a different exhibition there every eight weeks.

"Next we will have an exhibition from Cannock Photographic Society."

The museum is open Monday to Friday 11am to 4pm throughout the winter.

Entry and parking is free.