£200,000 to improve car parks in Cannock Chase
A £200,000 makeover of council-owned car parks across the Cannock Chase district will start in the new year including the expansion of one busy site in Hednesford.

Eight of the 35 car parks are being put to the top of the list for works in 2019 including Danilo Road in Cannock, Market Street in Rugeley, Service Area 6 in Rugeley, Service Area 9 in Rugeley, 5’s Bradbury Lane in Hednesford, and Girton Road in Cannock.
Cannock Chase Council’s cabinet agreed to spend the funds following inspections.
The car park at 5’s Pavilion and Sports Ground in Bradbury Lane, Hednesford, will be made bigger.
Pay and display signage will also be reviewed at all pay and display car parks in Rugeley and Cannock with other works to follow over the coming years.
Councillor John Preece, portfolio leader for environment said: “All of our car parks are inspected regularly and during this process it has been noted that a number of them require investment to bring them up to a satisfactory standard.
“I am pleased that cabinet have approved the spend on the car parks across the district.”
Councillor Christine Mitchell, portfolio leader for culture and sport, said: “Since the 5’s Sports Pavilion opened in March 2017 it has proved to be extremely successful but this has meant that parking has been a problem.
“This includes an extension to the car park. This is great news for the residents and the patrons of the facility.”