School, sport centre and shop earmarked for Rugeley Power Station development
A primary school, sports centre and shop could be built on the former Rugeley Power Station land.

It comes after it was revealed anywhere between 800 and 1,600 new homes could be built along with new businesses.
A 42-page ‘development brief’ has been published outlining the overarching intentions for the sprawling 372-acre site.
There are also calls for a piece of public art at the site recognising the history of the former power station.
Lichfield District Council, responsible for a large portion of the site, is next week set to approve the masterplan to go out to public consultation.
It will give residents the first real chance to have their say on the ambitious vision for the site.
Council leader Mike Wilcox declared he would work with education authority Staffordshire County Council to ensure a school was delivered when substantial housing schemes came forward for the site.
He said: “The important thing is we don’t want to see a site left empty now the power station has closed.
“The school will depend on the level of housing which comes forward.
“We will do all we can to bring forward a development which creates jobs, new homes, leisure facilities and everything which Rugeley needs.
“If that means substantial housing we will be pushing the county council to deliver a school.”
It later adds: “During discussions with Staffordshire County Council, they have advised the scale of proposed development generates the need for a new primary school at the site.
The school should ideally be centrally located, to encourage internal walking and cycling and reduce reliance on car use.”
The detailed brief also states that because certain parts of the land are in high risk flood zones the golf course could be retained but only as a landscape feature.
Lakeside Golf Club moved off the land at the end of March.