Affordable homes plan for former social services centre
The site of a former social services centre will be transformed into a plot of affordable homes under new plans.

Bromford Housing Association has proposed a scheme to Lichfield District Council for 54 homes on land at Sycamore Road and Maple Close, Burntwood.
Under the plans, 36 social rent housing units and 18 shared ownership houses will be built at the 1.3 hectare site, ranging from one-bedroom to four bedroom, complete with parking.
However, objections have been submitted over the scheme, with residents raising concerns regarding over-development of the area and increased traffic.
A statement supporting the scheme, on behalf of the developers, says it will "increase housing choice" in the area and move Burntwood towards a "more sustainable future".
It concludes: "The site is well located to the south west of Lichfield, in an excellent location to facilities and services.
"This site represents an opportunity to bring forward new family housing in an area that is allocated for development within the emerging district of Staffordshire."
The site is brownfield land that used to house a children's and social services centre. Buildings there were demolished in 2019 and the land has been allocated for housing by the council.
A formal objection from Andrew Parfitt said: "There are already too many houses being built in the vicinity.
"The impact on all the residents of Maple Close, who bought a property in a quiet close, will be severe because of the increase in traffic causing both noise and disturbance."
Lisa Page said the development would "fundamentally transform the close into an estate".
Meanwhile in their objection, Paul and Lynn Douglas cited issues with roads, access to schools and anti-social behaviour.
A transport assessment accompanying the plans concluded there were "no significant highways and transport reasons" that should stop the development from being agreed.