Express & Star

Tributes paid to Staffordshire farmer who was 'a champion' for the industry

Tributes have been paid to a Staffordshire farmer known as a champion of the industry over many decades.

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Robert Lockhart

Staffordshire farmers and those from across the country have remembered Robert Lockhart, of Drayton Bassett, who died on June 22 after being diagnosed with cancer.

He was an instrumental figure in agriculture and the NFU at a national, regional and county level.

The 71-year-old had a long NFU officeholder career and in the wider industry and as a farmer produced quality cereal crops and potatoes at his successful family business.

He was a Lichfield, Rugeley and Tamworth NFU branch chair, served as Staffordshire NFU county chair twice, was NFU West Midlands combinable crops board chair and on the national board as vice chair.

His wife Karen said: “Robert always felt that whatever he did and wherever he was in relation to his NFU work that he got back an equal amount from all those he met, discussed, debated, laughed and drank with.

“As Staffordshire NFU chair he especially enjoyed travelling around the county to the annual general meetings of all the branches in whatever weather. He really valued the friendships he made in the county, regionally and nationwide many of which still endure.”

Son Andrew said he had great memories of attending farming events with his dad as he went about his NFU duties.

“I look back at the times dad and I spent at Cereals,” he said. “I will always remember him at the NFU stand talking with fellow farmers and using his knowledge and expertise to answer their questions.

“Whether it was at Cambridge or Lincolnshire we always had a laugh at those events and often the drives up had early Genesis and Jethro Tull as the soundtrack for our trips.”

Fellow farmer David Lane said Robert’s death had been felt widely within the farming industry by all who knew him.

David, who farms at Sandhills, near Walsall, said: “I had the good fortune to know Robert for over 40 years, firstly in his role with ADAS when he gave us some good advice on grain storage. He later introduced me to the West Midlands NFU combinable crops board, on which we served together for 10 years as county delegates.

“We often travelled together to these meetings and I spent many hours learning from his extensive knowledge of our industry.

“As well as being a good farmer and businessman in his own right, he excelled in representing farmers’ interests on the many committees on which he served.

“He leaves a strong and much-admired legacy. One of his strengths was how he could put his points across, often helped by a bit of wit, and his dry sense of humor.

“He will be sadly missed by so many in the farming community, and my thoughts are with his family, of whom he was immensely proud, at this difficult time.”

A member of the NFU regional horticulture and potatoes board and potato forum, Robert was also the union’s representative on the National Sprayer Testing Scheme, NSTS.

When he was on NFU Council he led the way in discussions and lobbying on a variety of issues including high speed rail, HS2, and its impact on his farm and the farming industry more widely.

He was the union’s representative on the AHDB cereals research and knowledge transfer committee and also worked hard for farmers as chair of NRoSO, the National Register of Spray Operators.

Paul Brown, NFU Staffordshire chair, said: “Our thoughts are with his wife Karen and the family at this time, he was so sharp on farming issues and went about his work in an unassuming manner but gave his utmost to support the industry. A champion for our farms he will be greatly missed by all who knew him.”

Robert won a prestigious Staffordshire NFU accolade, the Burton Trophy, in 2016, for his tireless work representing county farmers.

The silver claret jug and tray is awarded annually in memory of RA Burton, ‘Dick’ Burton, who was an instrumental figure in Staffordshire farming and the NFU.

Dairy farmer David Brookes, of Lower Loxley, Uttoxeter, added: “As an NFU advocate Robert gave his absolute best and was a great servant of not just local farmers, but those throughout the region and nationally, especially within his sectors. His expertise, knowledge and wisdom always carried the utmost respect.”