Motorsport event halted and evacuated after carbon monoxide warning
A motorsport show at a Staffordshire exhibition centre was reportedly evacuated after concerns of high levels of carbon monoxide were raised.
The Motorsport with Attitude event had been putting on a full day of motorsport and other attractions as part of a weekend of action at Staffordshire County Showground in Stafford on Saturday.
However, it was reported that the event was cut short and the main building had been evacuated after high levels of carbon monoxide were reported to be in the air in the early afternoon.
A spokesman told ITV News that they received reports of high levels of carbon monoxide in the air at around 1.45pm.
One attendee wrote an angry message on the Motorsport with Attitude Facebook page, criticising the organisers for lack of ventilation and what she described as "terrible organisation".
She wrote: "3½ hours drive to stay the weekend for events. Organisation absolutely terrible, but having said that, thank goodness to the one lady who had taken control because she had been doing these events with her dad since she was a kid and managed to get things sorted and she was real nice and helpful.
"I don't understand why you ran the arena shows inside with so little ventilation, the extractors were not enough and needed for big powerful fans to push the fumes out.
"We left this morning as there was nothing more to keep us there. We won't be coming back either.
£300 mile round trip for not a lot doesn't sit well with me and sorry for those who are going today and won't get what they paid for either.
"I feel you should have cancelled the event for today and given money back.
"What I do feel sorry for is all those who had got their cars their and and all of the stall holders because they aren't getting what they expected either and sure they lost put massively as well."
Motorsport With Attitude wrote on Facebook that the event was due to go ahead today but with live action cars on display in the arena after 'lesson were learned'.
The message read: "First of all, thanks to all the drivers for putting on some great demos today & for everyone that came to MWA.
"Apologies for the advance ticket queues, lesson learnt there.
"We have taken advice on running the Live Action tomorrow, MWA will go ahead as planned but with the live action cars on display in the arena.
"Apologies again to those of you had to wait in the queue."
A spokeswoman for Staffordshire Police, Fire and Rescue said: "We received reports of high levels of carbon monoxide in the air during a motorsport event in Stafford at the weekend.
"A member of the public visiting the event at the Staffordshire County Showground, on Weston Road, on Saturday (3 January), called us at 1.45pm. She reported feeling unwell inside the main arena.
"We evacuated the main building as a precaution after our equipment recorded high levels of carbon monoxide in the area.
"Advice was also given to organisers of the event and landowners."
Motorsport with Attitude and Staffordshire Agricultural Society who own the showground have been contacted for a statement.