Take a trip down memory lane as archive film and TV goes on show at Staffordshire libraries
Library members in Staffordshire have been invited to step into the rich world of film and television history and see nostalgic footage from years gone by.

Residents will soon be able to view archive footage dating back to the 1960s at libraries across the county, thanks to a new British Film Institute (BFI) initiative.
The content has been made available thanks to a project called BFI Replay and will include collections from the BBC and ITV.
Victoria Wilson, libraries chief at Staffordshire County Council, said: "We all love a bit of nostalgia, so it is brilliant that our libraries will now be able to offer easy access to thousands of videos which document how Britain has changed over the decades.
"This will be of particular interest to local history enthusiasts and anyone with a passion for television history, but also people who just want a trip down television-viewing memory lane.
"It’s a great example of how we’re using libraries to connect with our communities and always trying to find new activities and projects to be involved with."
The collections include footage from historical news events to classic television, alongside public information films, adverts and interviews with film-makers.
People can access the content – which has been collected and cared for by archivists – on the library's public computers by clicking on the BFI Replay icon on the desktop.
For more information, visit the British Film Institute website at bfi.org.uk/bfi-replay.