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Farmers call for clarity and assistance on new payment scheme

The leader of the farmers' union in Staffordshire has called on the Government to get its act together around a new payment scheme.

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Farmers have called on the Government to clarify the new payment scheme

National Farmers Union (NFU) Staffordshire county chair Paul Brown has added his voice to calls by the NFU nationally for ministers to “do the right thing” after problems rolling out new farm payment schemes left farmers facing a bleak end to 2023.

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) should have been up and running to deliver payments by December, but critical delays in the roll-out of the new scheme mean most farmers are unable to access it.

The NFU said this coincides with major reductions in payments under the old scheme which SFI was meant to replace, leaving farmers facing a double whammy in the run-up to Christmas.

Mr Brown said the new plans had been vague and farmers in the county were being left feeling uncertain about the scheme.

He said: "It's a big problem as it was brought in to replace the old Basic Pay Scheme, which was being phased out, and was targeted at a pay based on acreage, with the new scheme attempting to target issues around environmental issues.

"However, it's been very vague and very unclear about the roll-out and the timing seems to have been pushed back bit by bit, so farmers have been uncertain and don't know what to do, given that it's planting time for the autumn for next year's crops.

"Most members have said to me they're not going to join the scheme because the benefits in the payments barely outweigh the loss of production and, therefore, not only the lack of production in terms of volume, but also the profit element as farmers need to make a profit to be able to pay the bills like any other household.

"We need to make a profit to invest in the future, so the scheme as it stands isn't enough of an incentive and a lot of farmers are telling me that they are going to ignore the scheme and do their own thing."

NFU president Minette Batters said: “We now know that farmers will not be paid this year, despite assurances that they would be.

“With farm input costs through the roof and interest rates soaring, this leaves farmers in a perilous place.

"The old scheme goes, the new one’s not ready, and farm businesses are caught in the middle. That’s not fair and we are calling on ministers to recognise that and make it right.”

She added: “It’s Back British Farming Day next week; a celebration of farming and growing, of great food, of our countryside and of people who make a huge contribution to the UK economy.

"It would be great if government could have some good news on this for farmers then.”

The NFU is calling on ministers to halt any further reduction in existing farm payments, due to fall by another £720 million this year, until delivery problems with SFI are resolved.

Mr Brown said: "They've got to get their act together and make sure payments are made on time and delivered on time, because these payments are propping up food production at the end of the day.

"Those payments are allowing farmers to plan next year's crop and next year's food production and without the payment, farmers aren't sure what to put in the ground and whether to leave these areas for environmental mitigation.

"The confusion is simply making the problem worse, so we need them to improve resources within the department so that they can deliver a scheme that benefits farmers, the environment and the general public."