Stafford set to feature in Bargain Hunt episode
Stafford is set to feature in an episode of Bargain Hunt on Monday.
Nick Earnshaw, who directs for Gatehouse Youth Theatre and Rooftop Studios, Stone, will be appearing on the episode on BBC One from 12.15pm to talk about the life and times of Stafford’s favourite son Izaak Walton.
As part of his role with Historic Stafford where he is a tour guide and creative, Nick spoke to regular Bargain Hunt host Christina Trevanion at Izaak Walton’s Cottage.
The episode will focus on the life of Izaak Walton and how he was ahead of his time with issues on sustainability.
Nick said: “It was a pleasure to feature in this episode of Bargain Hunt and I hope more people learn about Izaak Walton and want to research him further. He was a humble man who accomplished many fascinating things during his lifetime.”