Express & Star

Stafford musicians team up with best selling American author

Two Stafford musicians linked up with award winning USA author to write and record song for Audio book.

Stafford musicians Philip Sowerbutts and Maya Thomas

Songwriter Philip Sowerbutts and singer Maya Thomas are working with award winning US romantic fiction author Leah Busboom to write a song for an audio book to be released in March.

Author Leah Busboom, based in Colorado is having her award winning novel Forever You recorded into an audio book by leading audio and broadcast company Findaway, part of streaming giant Spotify.

Philip said: "The song Take Me To Forever is sung by the leading character in the book, a country singer called Laci V. The song itself weaves through the storyline almost as a character in itself."

"I linked up with Leah over the internet and after discussions on musical style, set to work transforming Leah’s lyrics into an actual song."

Philip, who is also vicar of Castle Church, has written several pieces of music for commission and his music has been featured on BBC TV and Radio.

The vocal for the song was sung by Stafford student Maya Thomas. Maya attends Ormiston Academy for Performing Arts in Birmingham as a dance and music major. The song was recorded in Philip’s studio in his home on Castle Bank, Stafford.

The song will be released as a download on all major streaming platforms on 25 February ahead of the audio book launch in March.

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