£1m 'immersive pods' to tour Staffordshire
New £1 million 'immersive pods' will be created to teach youths and elderly people about ways to keep themselves safe across Staffordshire.

The pods are part of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service's 'safe and sound' programme to teach students and elderly people about first aid, fire prevention and other health and safety tips.
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service’s chief fire officer Becci Bryant said: "A couple of years ago we were able to secure some funding from the government which has allowed us to invest in the transportable classrooms.
"They will do safe and sound work which is made up of a number of partners including the police, fire service and local authority.
"The classrooms will become an immersive experience as there will be virtual and augmented reality, the four walls will be live with touch screens and video on them so that the young people feel they are in the moment in scenarios.
"We are hoping to have the first ones used by mid-March.
"We can tailor the sessions to the needs of the areas."