Express & Star

School told to improve

A school with more than 350 pupils has been told it needs to improve again after Ofsted inspectors declared that pupils progress is suffering.


Longford Primary School, on Ascot Drive, Cannock, has been rated as 'requires improvement' for the second time in a row by the education watchdog.

The school currently has 374 pupils on its roll, however inspectors have said that pupils are too regularly absent and that those who do attend are not showing enough progress.

The school's report, compiled by Ofsted inspector Nicola Harwood, reads: "Since the last inspection, leaders have not brought about enough improvement to ensure consistency in teaching.

"As a result, pupils’ progress in key stages 1 and 2 is not yet good.

"Since the last inspection, leaders have lacked the sense of urgency and rigour required to raise standards for all groups of pupils.

"Although appropriate areas for improvement have been identified and acted upon, a strong vision and shared purpose have been lacking."

The school was rated as 'requires improvement' in terms of the effectiveness of its leadership, quality of teaching, personal development and outcomes for pupils, but was rated good for its early years provision.

On pupils behaviour, Ms Harwood said: "The behaviour of pupils requires improvement.

"This is because leaders have not been effective in reducing overall absence and persistent absence.

"This is despite the school putting in place a range of incentives such as certificates and prizes for good attendance.

"Behaviour for learning is being developed but is not consistently strong in all classes or year groups.

"Many pupils lack the self-awareness to take responsibility for their own learning.

"For example several most-able pupils chose to make a 3D cube because ‘it is the easiest to make and we’ve done it before’."

The inspector also added that leaders were aware of what is needed to be done to improve the situation.

Ms Harwood said: "All leaders are aware that more needs to be done to raise standards of attainment and rapidly improve rates of progress so that no pupil is left behind."

The inspection took place on June 20 and 21.

The school was not available for comment due to the summer holiday closure.