Express & Star

Call to bring storied town centre building back to life after 'decade of disrepair'

A Shropshire resident has launched a petition to “urgently save” one of his hometown's iconic buildings after he says it has fallen into a “dangerous state of disrepair”.


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The New Market Building in Bridgnorth's Listley Street was built as a market hall and assembly rooms in the late 1850s.

Designed by Robert Griffiths of Quatford, it includes the prominent Postern Gate tower and was bestowed with Grade II listed status in 1987. The building has previously hosted the Childhood & Costume Museum.

While a number of shops including coffee chain Costa operate out of the building, much of it has been left vacant for years.

The New Market Building in Bridgnorth

Plans were presented to Shropshire Council by the owner of the building, a London hotelier, to turn the listed building into a 33-room hotel around a decade ago, but those fell through.

Now a resident of the town says the building has fallen into such disrepair that he has launched a petition to get the council to step in and force the owner to bring the building back up to scratch.

Huw Rees, who lives in Bridgnorth High Street, says he can see the New Market Building from his flat window and has fond memories of the regency era building when he was a child.

Huw Rees

“I can see it from my flat and I just despair every time I look out the window," he said. “I remember it being the Museum of Childhood when I was growing up and I know how amazing it used to be inside, so it's just a shame it's been derelict for so many years now."

Mr Rees, who earlier this year helped clean up Castle Walk when he launched the town's first Pride parade, is now calling on Shropshire Council to pressure the owner of the building to carry out repairs, or to purchase the building for the community.

“The New Market Building is a significant landmark in Bridgnorth that holds particular historical and architectural value," he said. "Plans were drawn up to turn the building into a hotel, but this never came to fruition. Shropshire Council instructed the owner to make repairs and keep the exterior maintained to a high standard in 2018 but no significant work has been carried out."

He added that if repairs are not carried out the council should consider a Compulsory Purchase Order for the building and turn into a community facility.

“The building could have many uses. Some have suggested it could be turned into a new library, food hall, theatre, or a mixed-use community hub," said Mr Rees, who has launched a petition on Shropshire Council's website, which if it reaches more than 1,000 signatures, will trigger a debate in the council chamber on the fate of the building.

The owner of New Market Building was unavailable for comment.

Huw Rees' petition can be found on the Shropshire Council website at