Express & Star

Festive Bridgnorth Tractor Run raises nearly £19,000 for worthy charity causes

A traditional festive Shropshire tractor run has netted almost £19,000 for charity, organisers have said.

Bridgnorth's 2023 Festive Tractor Run. Photo: Peter Bridger

The Bridgnorth Tractor Run took place on Sunday, December 17, when more than 200 festively-lit tractors trundled through the town.

The event, which began at 5pm, saw the large convoy of Christmas decorated tractors winding their way through High Street, Bridgnorth's Low Town, Quatt, Alveley village, Shatterford, Kingsford Lane and Meddins Lane-Kinver, Enville and Stanmore, before heading back up Bridgnorth bypass.

Crowds gathered in their hundreds along the route to watch the tractor run, which had been organised to raise money for Hope House Children's Hospices and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Organisers Tom Wellings and Josh Barratt said they could "not believe" how much was raised following the event.

Announcing the fundraising total, Josh Barratt said: "Our helpers have been busy counting and we are so pleased to say that our total amount raised is £18,545.04.

"We cannot believe it! Also a total of roughly 210 vehicles. This will be split evenly between Hope House Children's Hospice and Macmillan in the West Midlands."

He added that they are still taking donations for the tractor run on their fundraising page, which can be found at: