Bridgnorth man still giving it his oar at 81 as he becomes British rowing champion
An 81-year-old Bridgnorth rower was among three from the town who took part in the British Indoor Rowing Championships at the weekend.

The event at the NEC in Birmingham saw hundreds of rowers from across the UK compete in a timed event using a rowing machine, including three rowers from Bridgnorth Rowing Club.
At nearly 82 years old and with only five per cent vision left in his eyes, Colin Lloyd from the team beat his personal best for rowing over 2,000 metres in 9.32 minutes.
The feat won him two medals in the Masters 80-84, making him the British Champion in his age division.

Also taking part was Stan Butler (in the 70-74 division) who completed with an impressive time of 8.37 with Martin Evans (the 40-49 division) finishing with a time of 6.35.
There’s no rest for Colin and Stan though - the pair are now in training for a doubles race at Henley Regatta next summer.

Lucy Warren from Bridgnorth Rowing Club said: "The club is extremely proud of all three men and their achievements at this competition.
"On Sunday the club also celebrated Colin and Stan’s long-standing commitment and service with a double boat naming ceremony in recognition of all that they have done over the years for Bridgnorth’s oldest sporting club."
If you would like to give rowing a go, please get in touch via the Bridgnorth Rowing Club Facebook page