Express & Star

Women's and girls' rugby teams to tackle 24-hour Wrekin relay

A team of rugby players is getting ready to reach new heights in a 24-hour charity fundraising challenge.

The women's team will scale The Wrekin multiple times over a 24-hour period. Photo: Dave Cooper

Bridgnorth Rugby Club women's and girls' teams are completing a non-stop 24-hour relay up and down one of Shropshire's most famous hills.

At 6pm on Friday, July 21, the team will set off on their first ascent of The Wrekin.

Hiking overnight and throughout the following day, between them, the team will scale the hill dozens of times in a bid to raise money for the Harry Johnson Trust and the building of the rugby club's new clubhouse.

Proposals for the new facility at Bridgnorth Rugby Club’s Edgar Davies Ground, next to the River Severn, were given the green light by planners in February last year.

The club, which is regularly hit by flooding, will be raised 2.5 metres above the ground to protect against future episodes of extreme weather.

The Harry Johnson Trust was established in November 2014 following the death of seven-year-old Harry in July of that year. Harry died following a nine-month fight with Double Hit Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.

The trust offers help and support to children and teenagers who receive care from the oncology team at The Princess Royal Hospital.

Team captain Lindsey Garraway explained: "We wanted to look for a local charity, and the work the trust does for children and families in their most vulnerable times is really important.

"We also wanted to try and support our future. We're in the middle of building a new clubhouse, which has been in the making for quite some time now. We've had lots of donations, but we still need more funds to keep the project going.

"When it's finished it will be amazing for use by the community but also go some way to help grow our membership. We feel it will provide us with a really solid future."

Ahead of the challenge, Lindsey said the team were thrilled to be taking part and many have been breaking in their walking boots in preparation.

She added: "There will be lots of coffee on the go I'm sure! The team is feeling very excited. It's always a pleasure to be able to support charities in the local environment, and to be able to support our club too is all the better."

The women are aiming to raise around £2,000 for the two causes, to donate visit

The team is currently welcoming new players, and those interested can find out more on the club's Facebook page at bridgnorthrugbyclub

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