Celebrity gardener 'honoured' as Shropshire's David Austin Roses names new bloom after him

A celebrity gardener has said he is "honoured" to have a new rose named after him by a leading Shropshire grower.

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Danny Clarke 'The Black Gardener' with David Austin of David Austin Roses

Albrighton's David Austin Roses launched its new rose at the prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show on Monday.

Called Dannahue, the new bloom is named after Danny Clarke, famous as TV's The Black Gardener.

Described as ideal for city living, the rose is noted for its "beauty, excellent health, and fragrance", says David Austin Roses.

The Dannahue

The rose came about after David Austin became "hugely impressed" with an RHS Chelsea Flower Show garden called ‘Hands off Mangrove’ by not-for-profit Grow2Know.

The garden was designed by Danny Clarke along with Grow2Know founder, Tayshan Hayden-Smith, and powerfully united the two prominent issues of social injustice and global deforestation.

“Following the breeding progress of this rose has been an absolute delight and I am so pleased to be sharing it with the world at RHS Chelsea Flower Show," said David Austin.

Danny Clarke 'The Black Gardener'

"Roses shouldn’t be restrained in our eyes, they’re a quintessential part of British horticultural history, something that should be able to be enjoyed by all. Together with the Dannahue rose, Danny and Grow2Know, we’re thrilled to be adding to our range of roses suitable for city living.”

Danny Clarke added: “What an honor to share the name my mother and father gave me with a David Austin Rose, especially one that enables planting in more inclusive environments. I’m so grateful and excited about the support Grow2Know will gain too.”

With each sale of a Dannahue rose through its UK retail channels, David Austin Roses will donate £10,000 in the first year of sales will donate £10,000 in the first year of sales to davidaustinroses.co.uk