Express & Star

Twenty-six weeks for twenty-six thefts: Prolific shoplifter jailed after taking £50 worth of KitKats

A thief who targeted shops 26 times in a month has been jailed for 26 weeks.


Connor Heneghan, aged 25, stole at least £958 worth of items in a spate of thefts from shops in Telford in October and late September.

He targeted Tesco in Woodside 10 times and Tesco in Madeley seven times. He also took items three times from Anstice Pharmacy in Madeley, twice from One Stop in Woodside and Asda in the town centre and once from Aldi in Madeley.

In one theft, he stole £50 worth of KitKats from Tesco in Woodside, and in another, he stole £60 worth of Lotus biscuits from the same shop.

Other items he stole included mosquito spray, Yankee candles, antihistamines, Vicks VapoRub, a reed diffuser, flowers, meat, chocolate, cakes, Christmas biscuits, laundry detergent and alcohol.

He also tried to steal laundry liquid worth £27.50 from Tesco in Woodside on one occasion, and tried to resist arrest on one occasion.

Heneghan, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty at Kidderminster Magistrates Court to 25 counts of theft, one of attempted theft and one of resisting arrest.

He was jailed for a total of 26 weeks. No orders for costs or compensation were made.