Two orchestras teaming up to provide a Fright Night in West Bromwich
The People's Orchestra and The Rusty Player's Orchestra are serving up a night of frights and scares on Sunday.

The two community orchestras are performing Fright Night at West Bromwich Town Hall at 6pm.
Music from spooky films including This is Halloween, Danse Macabre, Phantom of the Opera, Beetlejuice, Hocus Pocus will feature.
The People's Orchestra provides opportunities to disadvantaged communities and the £15 admission to the concert will be put back into the none-for-profit orchestra.
A big fan of the orchestra is Oscar winner Julie Walters.
She said: "That’s why the work of The People’s Orchestra is absolutely wonderful. It touches all parts of our local community, supporting vulnerable people through music, for their health and wellbeing or career assistance, helping them gain new skills, find inspiration and hope.
"We need The People’s Orchestra, and the opportunities it offers, more than ever. I hope you agree this is a hugely worthwhile cause and will consider me in supporting them.”
To get tickets for Sunday visit