Parking charges in West Bromwich set to soar under new plans
Parking charges in West Bromwich are set to more than triple under new plans unveiled by council chiefs.

Sandwell Council is proposing to hike the cost of a parking season ticket in the town from £240 to £800 – a rise of 233 per cent.
And the cost could hit £1200 by 2027, with bosses proposing to increase the price by £100 annually in each of the next five years.
The plans will also see the all-day charge on long stay car parks in West Bromwich double from £4 to £8 next year, rising to £10 by 2027.
Other car parks in the borough will see season ticket prices increase 67 per cent to £400 in 2023, with the cost then going up by £50-a-year until it hits £600 in 2027.

West Bromwich East MP Nicola Richards has dubbed the proposals a "car tax on working people". She has written to Sandwell Council leader Kerrie Carmichael urging her reconsider the plans.
She said it was outrageous that parking charges in West Bromwich will be double that of any other town in Sandwell.
Ms Richards said: "Why is it that our town, and those who live and work there, should have to pay so much more than those in Oldbury or Smethwick?”.
She has called for the council to reconsider the dramatic price hikes for West Bromwich car parks and bring them in line with the rest of Sandwell.
Councillor Zahoor Ahmed, Sandwell’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said parking charges in the borough had not been reviewed since 2016.
"These proposals are intended to bring our charges up to date and ensure we can continue to meet the cost of providing quality car parks and related services," he said.

"We have sought to balance available parking with demand and support our wider ambitions to encourage active and sustainable travel, tackle climate change and improve air quality.
"We recognise that car parking is an important issue and know that some habits have changed during the pandemic, which is why we want to hear from as many people as possible."
The proposals are out for consultation until September 30. Comments can be submitted via email to