Pub landlady takes on charity skydive in support of Make-A-Wish Foundation
A landlady has her feet back on the ground after taking on a charity skydive which had been delayed four times - weeks after her friend sadly died.

Sam Foster, landlady of the Cottage Spring Pub in West Bromwich, did the dive in north Shropshire in support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Sam had meant to take the dive in March 2020 but Covid and other factors mean she only got the chance last weekend.
She has raised more than £900 thanks to the regulars in her pub, smashing her initial target of £300.
The challenge started out as a dare by a regular customer and friend, Robert Murphy, who convinced Sam to take it on.
Robert died two weeks ago, and after the jump a group will release balloons in his memory.
Sam said: "The dive was originally booked for March 2020, but was cancelled due to Covid-19.
"It was then rebooked for August, but cancelled again.
"We then tried twice last year but the weather wreaked havoc."
The dive took place at Tilstock Airbase in Whitchurch on Saturday, with around 15 people from the pub heading along to watch.
Sam added: "We had a charity night with a raffle and spin the wheel for it where we raised money.
"The response has been great from customers, they have been golden, they are more like friends really.
"I really enjoyed it and actually want to do it again, and I want to thank everyone who supported me and sponsored me."