West Bromwich anglers fined £900 after being caught on illegal fishing trip
Two anglers have paid the price for a spot of night-time fishing.

Krzsztof Budzynski and Rafal Szalczewski from West Bromwich pleaded guilty to removing fish and eel from the River Avon in Pershore.
The 33-year-old Budzynski, of Gladstone Street, and 43-year-old Szalczewski, of Glover Street, were both fined £469 for their illegal fishing trip in July last year.
They were found in possession of fish and eels that they had removed from the river on July 23 at 10.40pm by a Birmingham Angling Association (BAA) club bailiff, who then contacted West Mercia Police.
The fish, which included chub, perch and bream, and the anglers’ fishing equipment, were seized by a police officer and handed to the bailiff.
The fishing rights at the location where the anglers were found are owned by the BAA and the rules state that any fish caught must be returned alive, and fishing is only allowed until one hour after sunset.
Night fishing is not allowed and all of the fish and eels were found to be dead.
Both anglers got the same penalty, including a fine of £100 for the first offence and £200 for the second offence. Costs of £135 were awarded to the Environment Agency and there was a victim surcharge of £34, amounting to £469 for each angler.
Following the verdict at Redditch Magistrates on Monday, March 7, Nichola Tomlinson, fisheries enforcement team leader for the Environment Agency, said: "This case demonstrates great partnership working as it involved West Mercia Police, the local angling club and the Angling Trust to enable us to bring about a successful prosecution.
"Whilst on this occasion both men had a valid fishing licence, it is also imperative for anglers to observe fishing byelaws.
"It also shows how seriously the courts take these offences and we hope the penalty will act as a deterrent to any angler who is thinking of breaking fishing byelaws.
"Not complying with the byelaws can incur a fine of up to £50,000 and, as in this case, offenders can also have their fishing equipment seized."