West Bromwich woman's home 'not the same' without missing magpie
A self-employed woman in West Bromwich is in a flap after losing her much-loved pet, Bow, the magpie.

Kerrie Hughes, aged 35, who is a mobile phone technician, rescued Bow six-and-a-half years ago after finding her in the Memorial Garden in West Bromwich where she had fallen out of a nest.
Kerrie said: "She had just hatched and I sat watching for a few hours to see if the parent birds would get to her but the nest was too high.
"I took her home and cared for her and since then she has been free to roam in the house.
"She did go missing once before and I found her in the street and she sat on my shoulders wanting to return to the house.
"This time she went missing on December 28 and I am fearful some harm might have befallen her.
"Bow is used to animals as I have three cats and one dog.
"I know that she is a female bird as she has previously made a nest and laid eggs in the cat bed.
"She is so much a part of my family, a massive part, and the house does not seem the same without Bow.
"Bow is quite distinctive as she makes unusual sounds like a dog's toy and like a cat.
"She also has a white patch on her right foot above the toes.
"I am hoping that people will keep a look-out for Bow and anyone seeing her can call me on 07749746163."