Express & Star

Thousands of loaves donated to the needy

The team at Kingsmill’s West Bromwich bakery has donated an average of 10,000 loaves per month to the community since March 2020.

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Bread being donated to West Bromwich Food Bank

It is now responding to local needs by offering its continued support through the third national lockdown.

With demand for food skyrocketing, particularly among organisations providing food to children and their families, the Kingsmill team donate both to FareShare and also direct to the West Bromwich Food Bank.

The bakery also donates loaves and other bakery goods to local emergency services, including Hargate Lane ambulance station, Oldbury and Smethwick Fire Stations and Sandwell General Hospital.

Gary White, general manager of Allied Bakeries who bake for Kingsmill, said “We’ve always taken pride in supporting our local communities here, and when the Covid-19 crisis hit in March last year it was our neighbours, friends and family stepping up to the frontline.

“That support hasn’t stopped and is now ramping up. There is an increasing need to keep the more vulnerable and needy fed throughout winter and we will continue to do so as much as we can.”

Nicola Richards, MP for West Bromwich East, added: “I have seen first-hand the brilliant and very generous work Allied Bakeries have done for vulnerable residents, communities, organisations and first responders here in West Bromwich and across Sandwell during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“They are true community champions and we are grateful for their support during this difficult time.”