Plans for 14 apartments in West Bromwich pub
A pub could be turned into 14 apartments if plans are approved.

A planning application has been submitted to Sandwell Council to change The Rampa in West Bromwich into homes.
The site in Vicarage Road would also have 17 car parking spaces.
In the plans it says: "The design entails the rear first floor and side extension to the existing build, efforts have been made to retain the existing street elevation as much as possible and to keep the design in keeping, reducing the impact the proposal has on the site and to its surrounding.
"The extension follows the footprint layout of the existing site, whereby there is front and rear block towers with a slimmer mid section, which will reduce the mass of the build.
"Existing front and rear access is to remain, a new car park is going to be constructed.
"Car parking will be provided 17 car spaces are provided on site with great public transport links also available.
"The key features in the building will be traditional design brick with render and roof tiles.
"Walls of facing brick and windows to be casement style with windows are to be UPVC.
"Structural glazed entrance doors.
"The scheme of been developed to appreciate and respect the character of the street scene.
"It makes effective use of the space available that is currently not used." A decision will be made on the plans in the coming months.