Black Country key workers overwhelmed as they receive unusual lorry honour
A group of key workers from across the region have received a unique and memorable tribute.

The key workers, who all work for hospital trusts in the region, have each had a truck from a new fleet by Wednesbury-based logistics company BJS Haulage named in their honour.
The company hosted an event at its headquarters on Bull Lane on Saturday, October 16 to give them a chance to finally see their lorries, alongside their friends and family.
Members of the Black Country Care Commissioning Group were also in attendance on a day of celebration for all those with a lorry in their name.
Among those receiving the honour was Beverley Morris BEM, head of continuing care at Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group.

She said it hadn't seemed real to her until she had arrived at BJS Haulage and seen the panel with her name on the lorry.
She said: "I'm just very overwhelmed by this all as I thought the BEM medal was one thing, but to see it is weird as it seemed like a dream on the photo.
"I'm so honoured by it and and appreciate it as it's very unusual and something I never expected to see, but it's something very precious and says that people appreciate the work you're doing.

"I'd like the chance to get behind the wheel and drive it somewhere as well."
Louise Newton, clinical support worker at the Dudley Group Foundation Trust, said it had felt strange, but said she was very honoured by the lorry name.
She said: "I first heard about it on the ward when the ward manager passed me the phone and someone told me I'd been nominated for this, which was a bit shock and surprise.
"I'm really proud about it and it's not just for me, but for the whole of C5 at Russells Hall, as we've all worked so hard throughout the pandemic."

David Dabbs, distribution lead at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said it was impressive to see and a nice way to be recognised for your work.
He said: "I'm very proud of this honour as it's nice to know I've done my bit for the community and helped all the nursing staff at the trust.
"It's not just for me, it's for everyone as we've all had our parts to play during the pandemic, so it's nice to have this recognition for everyone."