Express & Star

Fright for driver delivering new car as he finds snake slithering around inside

A driver delivering a car from a Black Country dealership had a fright – when he found a snake slithering around inside.

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The snake travelled from Tipton. Photo: Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue

The man was travelling to Melton Mowbray from a showroom in Tipton when he spotted the corn snake hanging from the dashboard as he drove along the A38 at Willington.

The driver phoned Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue in Burton upon Trent who sent a member of staff to collect it. A spokesman for the sanctuary said: “We were called after a gentleman was delivering a car to Melton Mowbray from a car dealership in Tipton. He had pulled over at the services on the A38 near Willington after he noticed a corn snake hanging from the dashboard.”

The staff met the driver to retrieve the snake, but it “had slithered off under the seat amongst the metal work and couldn’t be grabbed”.

The driver was convinced to continue to Burton where equipment was found to remove the seat from its fittings. However, the snake then hid back in the car when rescuers tried to remove it.

The spokesman added: “The carpet, plastic trims and the passenger side seat all had to be removed to get access as it ended up going inside the interior and wrapping itself around the electrical looms.

“With me securing the tail end and mid section, my colleague finally got to the head and it tried to bite him but the snake was encouraged out. “Everything was put back in place and secured again and the driver was able to continue his journey. Luckily the customer was very understanding when the car was delivered. I’m sure they wouldn’t want a snake with their purchase!”

The snake had to be pulled from the car. Photo: Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue

Mystery remains how the snake hitched a ride but the sanctuary said he was now in good health after the dealership claimed they did not know it was there.

The spokesman added: “No one seems to know how it ended up in the vehicle. The car was at a dealership in Tipton and was valeted a few days before locally. It was then driven from the dealer presumably with the snake hitching a ride.

“The snake was very cold and must have been in there for a few days. He’s now doing well and is much more active and has an attitude.”