Express & Star

Special police operation in Oldbury sees more than 40 vehicles pulled over in a single day

A taxi with two bald tyres and an overweight truck were among more than 40 vehicles pulled over as part of a police road safety operation.

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Fuel checks by HMRC Mobile Enforcement Team. Watching is Councillor Syeda Khatun , Sergeant Richard Bastable and PC Abbi Jones from the Road Harm Prevention Team

More than 40 motorists were stopped and their vehicles checked as part of the Operation Advance day-of-action held in Oldbury.

Officers based at Oldbury Town Police, worked alongside Wolverhampton Council licensing officers and another member of West Midlands Police, to spend the day running a multi-agency road safety operation in the borough.

An online taxi driver with two bald front tyres was among those stopped by West Midlands Police's road team and taken to an investigation area set up for the operation at Green Retail Park in Oldbury.

The officer initially stopped the taxi when investigators noticed a faulty identification sticker, but later found that the two front tyres of the vehicle were completely bald.

Neil Evan, investigating officer at Wolverhampton Council, was investigating the vehicle, he said: "This vehicle has been pulled in by a police officer from West Midlands Police during a routine check and they found that it has two faulty tyres on the front, the tyres are worn and there are wires showing.

"The vehicle is suspended now until the driver rectifies the situation. The vehicle won't go anywhere until that has been rectified. Wolverhampton city council will also suspend that vehicle until it is sorted."

Also among the vehicles stopped by officers was a flatbed truck carrying wooden pallets, which officers said was "quite obviously overweight".